Workshop Trade Secrets Deep Dive September 7 (High Tech Campus Eindhoven)

A workshop Trade Secrets Deep Dive will be held on Friday September 7 in Eindhoven (High Tech Campus). Speakers from private practice and industry (see below) will cover all aspects of trade secrets, by many considered the most important intellectual property asset. Recent developments are the reason to organize this event:

  • The Defend Trade Secrets Act passed in the USA in May 2016
  • The EU Directive on Trade Secrets is enacted by member state on 9 June 2018
  • China explicitly included trade secrets in its 2018 revisions to the Anti Unfair Competition Law.

Furthermore Heads of IP Departments have expressed their wish that there should be an exchange of “best practices” on trade secret management. IPEG therefor has managed to get together excellent speakers from industry as well as legal practice to cover all aspects of trade secret protection.

The Program of the Workshop will be as follows:

Date: Friday 7 September 2018 (13.30 hrs – 17.30 hrs)

Location: High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, Netherlands)


Registration fee: € 295 excl. VAT


13.30-13.55   Arriving of attendees of the Workshop with coffee/tea/welcome drink


14.00 -14.08  Opening remarks by the Chair, Ingrid Baele (Head of IP&S Offices & Operations Philips)  

14.10 -14.30 Donal O’Connell (IPEG consultant, former Head R&D Nokia) on “The power of trade secret metadata

14.30- 14.50 Koen de Winter (partner BakerMcKenzie) on “The Board Ultimatum: Protect and Preserve, The Rising Importance of  Safeguarding Trade Secrets[1]

14.50-15.10  Tjibbe Douma (attorney De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek) on “Trade secret (in) innovation”

15.10- 15.30 Dr. Stephan Wolke (CEO thyssenkrupp Intellectual Property GmbH) and Dr. Claudia Pappas (attorney thyssenkrupp) on “Implementation of trade secret processes and structures at an international engineering conglomerate”

15.30- 15.45 Tea break


15.45-17.30  Panel discussion (see below), chaired by Gijs Weenink, (DebatAcademie)

Panellists/members of the Lower House Debate

Maaike van Velzen (Philips)

Marieke van Gent  (AkzoNobel)

Dietmar Pressner (DSM)

Sarah Sahans (AkzoNobel Coatings)

Dr. Uwe Over (Henkel)

Johan Hulshof (NXP)

Dr. Guno H.K. Tjon (Unilever)

Willem Weenink (ASML)

17.30-18.00   Closing remarks by Workshop Chair, followed by drinks


Download the invitation flyer

Download the full program in PDF

Speakers and panellists from:

[1] a report published by Baker McKenzie in partnership with Euromoney Institutional Investor Thought Leadership, based on a survey of more than 400 executives across five industries — healthcare, financial services, industrials, ICT and consumer goods and retail — examining how the leaders of multinational companies view their trade secrets, who they see as the greatest threats to these secrets and what they do (and don’t do) to protect them.


[2] The panel discussion will be held by means of a so called “Lower House Debate” style debate using “thesis”(“stellingen”). Panel members from various industries are debating these “thesis” with members of the audience. Every thesis will be introduced by a short video or slide. Each subject during the “panel” will be introduced by a short video setting out a particular  “Trade secret” issue. Members of the “panel” are not on a stage but are in the front of the Lower House row. The professional debater/chairman will present a “thesis” that is relevant to the subject and will be shown on the screen. He will first ask industry panellists to react to the “thesis” posed on the screen. All that are in favour or agree sit on one side of the Lower house set-up, those against sit or go to the other side. The chairman will explain to the audience that the idea is that people in the audience sitting behind the panellists move to either the PRO or the CONTRA side of the Lower house set up.



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