As a sppech coding expert, Paolo graduated in Physics and worked as Master Researcher at CSELT, the R&D Center of Telecom Italia Group, Turin, (Italy) from 1969 until 1997. He was an active member of ITU-T since 1981, as well an active participant at ETSI speech coding activities (since the set-up of ETSI in mid 80s). Author of more than 100 relevant papers and publications (GLOBECOM, ICC, ICASSP, IEEE COMMAG, Acoustics & Human Factors conferences and workshops) on the performance evaluation of all ITU-T and ETSI speech coding standards. He joined ETSI at Sophia Antipolis (France) in July 1997, seconded by CSELT (Research Center of Telecom Italia S.p.A.), as Project Manager for Radio and Speech Aspects. Since January 2nd, 2008 he was employed directly by ETSI until 2013 when he was directly employed by ETSI as permanent staff until 31st January 2020.
At ETSI he worked as member of MCC (Mobile Competence Center), acting as Secretary of 3GPP Technical Specification Group GERAN (GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network), and 3GPP TSG-GERAN WG1 (Radio Aspects); and Secretary of 3GPP TSG System Aspects WG4 (Codec) and Chairman of the 3GPP SA4 Speech Quality Sub-Working Group.
In ITU-T SG12 he was appointed as Chairman of the Speech Quality Experts Group within Study Group 12, and then as Rapporteur of Q. 7/12 “Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech and audio-visual quality”.