Bill Rosenblatt

Bill Rosenblatt holds a B.S.E. with honors in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University and an M.S. in Computer and Information Science from the University of Massachusetts, and he has had executive education at Harvard and University of Southern California business schools. He has expertise in digital media technologies including digital rights management, content distribution, streaming, and content management.

He has 20 years of experience in technology business development, architecture, and marketing; publishing; new media; and online education. He has been a business development executive at a leading technology vendor, an IT executive at major publishing companies, and chief technology officer of a web startup. He has done strategy consulting work for media and technology companies around the world. He has expertise in digital media technologies such as content management, digital rights management, streaming media, and publishing systems. He is a recognized authority on digital media technologies, including DRM (digital rights management), content management, cross-media strategy, and content production systems, as well as on issues related to intellectual property in the online world. He has written extensively technology standards initiatives in these areas. He is the author of Digital Rights Management: Business and Technology (Wiley), runs the blog Copyright and Technology, and writes an online column for Forbes magazine. He was one of the architects of the Digital Object Identifier, an emerging standard for online content identification and digital rights management.

Bill has served as an expert witness in several patent, copyright, and antitrust litigations related to digital media technologies. He has also testified, presented, or consulted to various public policy entities in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

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