Category US Patent Law

KSR, patent obviousness and USPTO practice

In 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court decided its first patent obviousness case in decades, KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex, Inc., 550 U.S. 398 (2007).  Shortly thereafter, the PTO issued a set of examination guidelines, based on KSR.  Almost three years…

Patent Exhaustion: Quanta vs LG (US)

The US Supreme Court today delivered its unanimous decision providing new insights into the doctrine of patent exhaustion. The opinion reverses the Federal Circuit and holds that under the exhaustion doctrine applies to the authorized sale of components that “substantially…

Will US Patent Reform pass Congress in September?

Will the US Congress pass Patent Reform legislation this month? IPO vs. Professor Crouch: In a rare attack on an academic’s view, IPO notes the pronouncement by Professor Dennis Crouch that the legislation will not be enacted by Congress, Congressional Patent…

US software patents under legal scrutiny

On October 31, 2006 we blogged about the case Microsoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp. where the US Supreme Court accepted to hear a case about “extra territoriality” under US Patent Law art. 35 (USC § 271(f). On February 21, 2007,…