Category R&D

Rating inventions and patents

We constantly rate things. A motion picture rating system is designated to classify films with regard to suitability for audiences in terms of issues such as sex, violence, substance abuse, profanity, impudence or other types of mature content. A credit…

World Intellectual Property Day 2010

Tomorrow, Monday April 26, is World Intellectual Property Day. Initiated by WIPO in 2000, the 10th anniversary of this day coincides with the 40th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention establishing WIPO (the WIPO Convention).  There are…

WIPO statistics – how useful are they?

The World Intellectual Property Organization  (WIPO) in Geneva published its “World Intellectual Property Indicators 2009”. It provides – among others – statistics on how many patent applications have been filed via WIPO’s PCT. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an…

Invent, invent, invent

“Invent, Invent, Invent” is today’s op-ed column of Thomas L. Friedman in the New York Times. Can’t be more true. Monday Note gives an interesting overview of the inventions made during recession times: 1975, in the middle of a recession,…

An Annual Report for Technology?

The McKinsey Quarterly published an interesting read, “Memo to the CEO: Why we need an annual report for technology1 The idea is for a technology rich company to issue an annual report for technology analogous to the annual report for…

The need for IP Governance in the Pharma Industry

In November 2008 the European Commission published its Preliminary Report on it’s “Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry”. Some of the conclusions are pretty harsh and can hardly be seen as friendly towards the pharmaceutical industry: “The preliminary findings of the inquiry also…

EIRMA on Booz Allen study on R&D spending

The conclusions from the Booz Allen Hamilton study – as mentioned in yesterday’s post on this blog (“R&D spending doess not necessarlity increase profits”) are quite in line with the points I make in public events. However, the Booz Allen…

R&D spending does not necessarily increase profits

Companies spend billions of dollars on R&D to boost innovation output in the expectation of increasing profitability. From a study publised today by Booz Allen Hamilton, “Smart Spenders: The Global Innovation 1000“, it appears that it is not as easy…