Category IP Management

The Lure of Money

Unveil the truth behind patent value in "The Illusion of Value." Navigate the pitfalls of equating patents with instant wealth, and discover why their worth goes beyond novelty. Delve into the balance between pride and pragmatism when seeking patents, and uncover the hidden risks of patent trolls. Explore the delicate art of selling patents while preserving innovation.

Trade Secrets Audits

An audit is the examination of a specific aspect of an organization, ideally by someone independent of that organization. The purpose of an audit is to provide independent assurance that an organization’s management, governance and processes are operating effectively, and…

HR and Trade Secret Asset Management

While the laws governing trade secrets differ slightly from country-to-country, common among nearly all these laws is that a trade secret is any information that is: Not generally known to the relevant business circles or to the public. The information…

The process for managing trade secrets

A process is an interrelated set of activities designed to transform inputs into outputs, which should accomplish your pre-defined business objectives. Processes should produce an output of value, they very often span across organizational and functional boundaries and they exist…

IP Risks – Hide and Seek

Let’s face it, many IP risk registers are boring, one dimensional and often times contain poorly prioritised lists that lack context and often serve to satisfy a requirement rather than a purpose. IP risk registers can be of course be…