Category IP Management
Q&A on Intellectual Property Risk Management
What are better means to explain what IP Risk Management is than to take a Question & Answer tour, so here we go. Anything about one of the most challenging of tasks for an IP department of any technology-driven company:…
The best way to learn to cycle is to get on the bike
There’s an easy way to learn how to cycle. It basically involves getting on the bike and learning by trial and error. Yes, one can read about cycling, watch educational videos, talk to others who can cycle, study all of…
Foreign Investment Control, EU Security and Intellectual Property
British Airways Data Breach – A case study in IP Risk Management
The airline British Airways has been fined £20m by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a data breach that affected more than 400,000 customers. The data breach took place in 2018 and affected both personal and credit card data.…
IP Risk Management – How to deal with it (part 2)
In our previous blog we dealt with IP Risk management by looking what it is and where risks typically originate from. In his blog we deal with seven case studies related to IP risk management in general and a special…
IP Risk Management – How to deal with it (part 1)
Keeping patent renewal costs under control while promoting a safer decision-making process
Cost reductions, lowering risks, and process optimization are subjects that are consistently at the top of the agenda of senior and middle-level executives in IP law firms and companies. We will show how patent renewal payments can further be improved…
Trade Secrets Audits
An audit is the examination of a specific aspect of an organization, ideally by someone independent of that organization. The purpose of an audit is to provide independent assurance that an organization’s management, governance and processes are operating effectively, and…
HR and Trade Secret Asset Management
While the laws governing trade secrets differ slightly from country-to-country, common among nearly all these laws is that a trade secret is any information that is: Not generally known to the relevant business circles or to the public. The information…
Checklist of IP Provisions in Licensing Agreements
An IP license in its simplest form is an agreement where an IP owner (the Licensor) permits another person (the Licensee) to engage in activities that, in the absence of the IP License Agreement, would infringe the Licensor’s legal rights…
The process for managing trade secrets
A process is an interrelated set of activities designed to transform inputs into outputs, which should accomplish your pre-defined business objectives. Processes should produce an output of value, they very often span across organizational and functional boundaries and they exist…
Engaging Patent Brokers
Suppose you wish to sell your house. Since you seek to sell your house “as-is”, you want to minimize your investment in the selling process and elect not to spruce up your house. To avoid paying a real estate agent…
Time Travel & The Grandfather Paradox
Time travel is the concept of movement between certain points in time, analogous to movement between different points in space by an object or a person, typically using a hypothetical device known as a time machine, in the form of…
IPEG blog celebrates, reaching over 7,6 mio visits
There is reason to celebrate. In 2006 we published our first IPEG blog: It was all about MP3 the new audio compression technology and the rather aggressive ligation an Italian company started -Sisvel – to built one of Europe most…
IP Risks – Hide and Seek
Let’s face it, many IP risk registers are boring, one dimensional and often times contain poorly prioritised lists that lack context and often serve to satisfy a requirement rather than a purpose. IP risk registers can be of course be…
The total cost of ownership of open source software
Although not limited to software, open source is dominated by this particular technology and by the open source software community. Open source software does not just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open-source software must comply…
Standard Essential Patents and FRAND – A New Test
In May 2015, IAM Magazine wrote: ”In the last couple of years there have been several attempts to stymie privateering – the model by which operating companies sell patents to an NPE which then seeks to monetize them, usually through an…
StartUp Fest Events starts in The Netherlands – Realize your Intellectual Property
Yesterday the “Startup Fest Europe” had its kick-off meetings and formal opening in Amsterdam with innovators from large companies from US and Europe. Start up festival is an European festival of events that help startups grow faster by bringing together…
Intellectual Property Value in Startup Investments: A View from Silicon Valley
Intellectual property assets (IP Assets), primarily patents and software, have been the driving force behind high tech companies, but often times investors fail to understand their unique value as strategic business assets. Investors tend to focus on the defensive value…