Category EPLA

EU commission’s lethargy on EPLA criticized

EPLA proponent Jochen Pagenberg delivers fierce criticism on lack of progress on EPLA. Will the European Patent Litigation Agreement have a chance in 2008? Read his critical review in “International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC) 2007, 7).He…

A political brawl between Germany and France over EPLA

A seemingly innocent European Commission memo, called “Communication from the Commission to the European Council (informal meeting in Lahti – Finland, 20 October 2006), An innovation-friendly, modern Europe” turned into a row between Germany and France.  What happened? Well, have…

EPLA, the next big thing, will it fly?

October will be an important month for the EPLA (“European Patent Litigation Agreement”) initiative. However, the initiative threatens to become prey to anti-patent lobbyists (formerly known as anti-software patent lobbyists). They are now taking aim at EPLA. Last week the…

EPLA: The Next Anti-Patent Punchbag

Not bothered by an actual knowledge about what EPLA is about and more concerned about his future as an anti software patent crusader now the EU Directive is off the table, he now takes aim against the patent system as…

EU Commissioner McCreevy on EPLA

Charlie McCreevy, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, gave a speech today on the future of IPR in Europe – updating in particular his plans for patents in Europe. No formal proposals were made, other than a commitment to produce…